Who We Are
2nd Mile Church, located on Riverside Drive in Clarksville, Tennessee, is a Southern Baptist fellowship founded in early 2018 with the aim of going the second mile (Matthew 5:41) globally and locally, hoping to reach for Jesus the 86% of our city who are unchurched. We aim to reach others for Christ and teach others to follow Christ.
Cal Hampton is a man on fire for God. Cal Hampton is a preacher who inspires passion for Christ, spreads his overwhelming love of the scriptures, and challenges all to “just a closer walk with Thee.” Cal Hampton is a leader with his eyes on the cross.
From 1997 to 2016, Jesus used Cal to triple attendance and quadruple giving at his Green River Baptist Church in Waynesboro, Tennessee. After nearly two decades of faithful service in Waynesboro, God gave Cal a heart and yearning for the salvation of Clarksville, his hometown. Cal constantly seeks opportunities for 2nd Milers to serve Clarksville and shine His light around this town.
2nd Mile Church is also blessed to have Cal’s lovely wife, Diana Stokes Hampton, who sings like the angels, and their young son Issac, who like his namesake is such a blessing to his parents. Cal and Diana also have two grown daughters and three spirit-filled grandchildren who reside outside of the Clarksville area.

Brother Cal Hampton
Andrew Penney
Worship Leader
Taryn Suiter
Billy Walker
Disciple Leader
We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, should be our ultimate authority on all things because it is the infallible, unerring Word of God, which we should fervently strive to know and follow. -2 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 1:20
We believe His house, and specifically 2nd Mile Church, should be called a house of prayer where we focus on prayer, praising Him, and studying His Word. -Matthew 21:13
We believe there is only one true and living God who exists as a trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each with distinct personal attributes but without division of nature, essence, or being. -Mark 12:29, Matthew 28:19, & 1 John 5:7-8
We believe Jesus is both fully God and fully man, born of a virgin. -Titus 2:13, 1 John 4:2, & Matthew 1:23
We believe that Jesus died as the perfect, sinless sacrifice to erase the sins of all who place their faith in Him. -1 Peter 2:22-24
We believe Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God and advocate for all Christians. -John 11:25, Acts 1:9-11, Colossians 3:1, & 1 John 2:1
We believe that Jesus Christ will come to earth again to conquer Satan and to reign as the King of Kings. -Matthew 24:44, Revelation 19:6, & Revelation 19:19-20:4
We believe that man, all of humankind, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. –Romans 3:23
We believe that sin separates us from God and that there is only one way to atone for that sin and enter into God’s presence in heaven: by believing in Jesus Christ, the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. –Isaiah 59:2
We believe that salvation is a gift from God through His grace and not our works, even though true faith should be accompanied by works. –Ephesians 2:8 & James 2:17
We believe that all who place their faith in Him are assured of their salvation. –John 3:16
We believe Christians should follow the baptism examples of the New Testament by being fully immersed in water as a profession of their faith. -Matthew 3:16 & Romans 6:4
We believe that Christians should have a personal relationship with God that involves prayer without ceasing and a constant personal study of His Word. -Deuteronomy 6:6-9, John 4:14, John 15:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, & Revelation 3:20
We believe that the power of the Holy Spirit should be felt – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control – by believers who seek Him and that by living in the Spirit we can conquer fleshly desires. -Galatians 5:22-23
We believe Christians should follow the Great Commission that Christ gave to his disciples, to go out and make disciples of others. -Matthew 28:19-20
We believe that there is only one church in heaven and and on earth, where Christians unite in working together for His glory. -Romans 12:5
We believe that Christians should have more passion for God than for our favorite team in the Super Bowl. -Exodus 20:3 & Matthew 22:37
When We Are
Our Sunday morning worship meets at 9 AM, choose your service, and with Sunday School at 10:15 AM.
Brother Cal often but not always holds morning devotionals on our Facebook page. When they happen, they’ll be on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings at 9 AM. We look forward to when we can meet in person fully, but we hope you’ll enjoy the Facebook online devotionals in the meantime.

2nd Mile Church
Our Plan
From the founding of our church, the leadership at 2nd Mile gathered together to discuss and determine the core of who 2nd Mile would be.
Reach people for Christ and teach people to follow Christ
Implement prayer strategy
Consistently preach & teach the Word of God
Engage in personal (relational and lifestyle) & corporate (events) evangelism
Implement discipleship process: Sunday School, small groups, mentoring
Offer missions & ministry opportunities
Love & serve our community
Glorify God
Obedience to God’s Word
Worship services that glorify God
Personal witnessing
Teaching & mentoring new disciples
Every 2nd Miler doing ministry and missions
Building community and fellowship
Experience the presence of God in our worship services
Baptize over 60 people in Year Two
Every new believer engages in discipleship
Every new believer has a mentor for six months
All 2nd Milers embrace a ministry, a service project, or a missions experience
One fellowship meal per month