

We believe in going the 2nd mile for the people of Clarksville to reach them for Christ and teach them to follow Christ.

–Matthew 5:41 and Matthew 28:19-20 
Did you know that 86% of Clarksville is unchurched?  Without a church home?  Possibly without Jesus in their lives?  Possibly without heaven in their future?  Would you like to change these numbers?
Summit Heights Summer 2018 Outreach

Backyard Bible Club Outreach


 Reach Others


2nd Mile has a heart for Clarksville and a soul for Jesus.  We want to serve our community and let His light shine through us to reach others with His love. 

 Teach Others


To make great disciples, reaching others is not enough:  we must also teach others to follow Christ.  2nd Milers delve deeply into the scriptures and passionately seek the Holy Spirit.

 Know Jesus


Nothing in this world can give you purpose, peace, and joy more than knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and having a personal relationship with Him.  Even if you have doubts about whether this may be true, isn’t just the possibility of a richer life with a deeper purpose worth exploring?



Our Pastor


“We want our people to first fall in love with God and to then reach people for Christ and teach others to follow Christ.”






From The Gallery

Summit Heights Outreach
Backyard Bible Club
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
My house shall be called a house of prayer.
You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.
Easter Eggstravaganza
Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.


 Recent Podcasts

March 2020

Bible Study Acts Ch 7

Bible Study Acts Ch 7

“A Trial of Travesty” Mark 14:53-65; 15:1-20

“A Trial of Travesty” Mark 14:53-65; 15:1-20

I. Jesus Was Tried Before The Religious Courts – 14:53-65
A. The Lord was accused – vs. 55-59
B. The Lord was arraigned – vs. 60-64
C. The Lord was abused – vs. 65
II. Jesus Was Tried Before The Roman Courts – 15:1-20
A. His silence – vs. 3-5
B. His substitution – vs. 6-14
C. His scars – vs. 15-20

How to Study the Bible Session 10

This session is being broadcast on “Face Book Live”. We have provided the notes here for your reference.

How to Study Your Bible – X
Figuring out the Figurative

We use figurative language every day. “She is mad as a hornet. “The cat is out of the bag.” “I’m so embarrassed I could die.” I’m bored to tears.” “You’ll have to face the music.” We use it every day and understand it.

The Bible is full of figurativ




Want To Be a 2nd Miler?

Worship at 9 AM with Sunday School at 10:15 AM
For those ready to go the 2nd Mile, we recommend that you

2nd Mile Church