All Sermons & Bible Studies
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September 2024
“Are We On the Go?” Romans 1:14-16
“Are We On the Go?” Romans 1:14-16
I. We Have An Evangelistic Obligation To Go – 1:14
A. A spiritual debt.
B. A Global debt.
A. A spiritual debt.
B. A Global debt.
II. We Have An Evangelistic Passion To God – 1:15
A. A personal passion.
B. A universal passion.
A. A personal passion.
B. A universal passion.
III. We Have An Evangelistic Affirmation To Go – 1:16
A. The Gospel is supreme.
B. The Gospel is sufficient.
C. The Gospel is simple.
A. The Gospel is supreme.
B. The Gospel is sufficient.
C. The Gospel is simple.
We continue our Sermon Series on “Soul Winning,” this Sunday. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone at 2nd Mile began sharing their faith on a regular basis? Oh that God would open the door of evangelism in ’24.
The Revelation Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.
September 2024
Bible Study Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39 Prelude to study of Revelation Part 2 of 2
Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39 Prelude to study of Revelation Part 2
This Sunday, we will continue with the “Eschatology theme” we began 2 or 3 weeks ago. The last time I taught, we looked at Daniel chapter 9 as a build-up to our upcoming study of Revelation.
This week we will look at another Old Testament prophecy that still sits on God’s Prophetic Calendar waiting to be fulfilled. We will be in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39. I encourage you to read those 2 chapters before we gather on Sunday. (and if you want extra credit read chapters 36-39)
The Esther Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.
April 2020
“He Is Risen” Mark 15:42 – 16:8
“He Is Risen” Mark 15:42 – 16:8
I. His Death Was Pronounced – 15:42-45
A. By a friend – vs. 43
B. By a foe – vs. 44-45
A. By a friend – vs. 43
B. By a foe – vs. 44-45
II. His Burial Was Prepared – 15:46
III. His Resurrection Was Proclaimed – 16:1-8
A. The women’s arrival – vs. 1-4
B. The angel’s announcement – vs. 5-8
A. The women’s arrival – vs. 1-4
B. The angel’s announcement – vs. 5-8