All Sermons & Bible Studies
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June 2018
The Seven Seal Judgements
I. The First Judgement is the Anti-Christ – Revelation 6:1-2
II. The Second Judgement is War – 6:3-4
III. The Third Judgement is Famine – 6:5-6
IV. The Fourth Judgement is Death – 6:7-8
V. The Fifth Judgement is Martyrdom – 6:9-11
VI. The Sixth Judgement is Cataclysmic Events – 6:12-17
VII. The Seventh Judgement is Silence – 8:1
Peace in the MIdst of Your Storm
I. The Destination of the Ship – Mark 4:35-36
II. The Devastation of the Storm – 4:37
III. The Deliverance of the Savior – 4:38-41
II. The Devastation of the Storm – 4:37
III. The Deliverance of the Savior – 4:38-41
Worship in Heaven
I. An Unforgettable Throne – Revelation 4:1-8
II. An Unforgettable Throng – 4:9-11
III. An Unforgettable Thrill – 5:1-13
A. He is worthy because He is The Redeeming Lamb – 5:b-6a
B He is worthy because He is The Resurrected Lamb – 5:6a
C. He is worthy because He is The Reigning Lamb – 5:6b-7
The Revelation Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.
The Esther Series
To start at the beginning of the series, go to the last podcast on the last page and work your way forward.