“The Gospel of Love” John 13:31-35

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“The Gospel of Love” John 13:31-35

I. We Are To Love Everyone – 13:34a
A. God proved that He loved everyone – 1st John 4:10
B. God has given us His love – 1st John 4:16
II. We Are To Love As Jesus Loved – 13:34b
A. Jesus is the perfect example of love – 1st Corinthians 13:4-8
B. Jesus gives us the power to love – 1st John 4:12-13
III. Love Is The Mark Of A True Disciple – 13:35
A. We are judged by the way we love each other – 1st John 3:14
B. We are to lay our lives down for one another – 1st John 3:16-19