“Our Belief Determines Our Behavior” Philippians 1:27-2:4

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“Our Belief Determines Our Behavior” Philippians 1:27-2:4

I. Christian Conduct Promotes Unity – 1:27; 2:1-2
A. Unity is promoted in things that are wrought – 1:27
B. Unity is promoted in things that are sought – 2:1
C. Unity is promoted in things that are thought – 2:2

II. Christian Conduct Sometimes Provokes Cruelty – 1:28-30
A. Persecution is proof of condemnation for the sinner – 1:28a
B. Persecution is proof of salvation for the saint – 1:28b
C. Persecution is proof of identification with the Savior – 1:29-30

III. Christian Conduct Projects Humility – 2:3-4
A. Humility puts God first – 2:3a
B. Humility puts others second – 2:3b-4